Charter Heroes
At the end of each half term we choose five children in each class who have demonstrated the values in our behaviour policy over that time; they will be our 'Charter Heroes'. The five values are: Respect, Responsibility, Reflection, Resilience and Resourcefulness. Congratulations to to our Charter Heroes this half term! Have a look at who the Charter Heroes are on our Newsletter.
Sports Day Awards
Quiet Reading
The children enjoyed reading their "Queen Elizabeth" books,
a Platinum Jubilee gift, in our new Reading Garden.
Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebration
The children had lots of fun celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. They dressed up in red, white and blue and enjoyed the celebratory party in the afternoon.
Rock Steady Concert
Year 2 Cyclists Level 3 Award
Our Super Scientists
Pollution Solution Theatre
Year 2 were delighted to have a visit from the Windmill Theatre Company
this week with their show “Pollution Solution”.
Remembrance Day
The children had the opportunity to reflect and explore ‘remembrance’ through an assembly led by our History Lead, Mrs Butcher, and by creating these wonderful class poppy wreaths.
Level 1 Cyclist Awards
Harvest Collection
Many thanks for all your generous donations to our
Harvest Collection for Redbridge Food Bank!
Health and Fitness Week
Geography Boards
This term, we have all enjoyed learning more about the world. We hope you can see how hard the children have worked and how much they have leanred.
The Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children thoroughly enjoyed watching ‘Goldilocks and The Three Bears’, a pantomime produced by Kenneth Moore Theatre. Many thanks to the PTFA for paying for this lovely Christmas treat.
Christmas Dinner
Our children enjoyed their Christmas Dinner in their Christmas-y jumpers!
Road Safety Day Glow Day
It was lovely to see so many children wearing bright and fluorescent accessories today to mark Day Glow Day and Road Safety Week. The children learned about the importance of safe travel; staying with their adults near roads, the Green Cross Code reminder to “STOP, LOOK, LISTEN AND THINK” and how to “BE BRIGHT, BE SEEN!”
Anti Bullying Odd Socks Day
Lots of us wore odd socks to school yesterday for Anti Bullying Week to symbolise that we are all different in some ways, it’s good to be ourselves, accepting of one another and celebrating difference. Here are some comments from Year 2 pupils talking about what they learned in Anti-Bullying Week: “Step up for yourself and your friends.” “If you see someone being unkind to someone else ALWAYS tell a grown up.” “Don’t stand and watch someone being mean to someone else - don’t ever be a bystander.” “Say no to bullying!”
Happy Diwali!
We would like to wish all of our families who are celebrating a very happy Diwali!
Goodbye Mr Fahie...
Thank you so much Mr Fahie for looking after our school for 21 years! We wish you a very happy retirement and look forward to seeing you when you come back to visit us.
...and Welcome Mr Troullis!
'Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth'
by Oliver Jeffers
All of our children, from Nursery to Year 2, have been inspired by their project on Oliver Jeffers' new book, “Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth.” We have created an exhibition to retell the story. We hope you enjoy looking at our work.
Harvest Festival Donations October 2020
Thank you so much for all of your generous Harvest donations for Redbridge Food Bank. As a community we have collected an amazing amount - it's incredible what we can do together! Have a look at the photos below.

Science Week

World Book Day
Book Week Bedtime Story Competition Winners
Book Week parents reading with children

Spring Half Term Charter Heroes

Day Glow Day - Be Safe, Be Seen
Children in Need
Governors' Day

Thank you so much for your harvest gifts for Redbridge Food Bank. Some of our Rights Respecting Ambassadors helped load the van with all the items!
Oakdale Infant School goes GLOBAL!
On Wednesday we held our annual Jolly Phonics Conference. This is when we welcome visitors from other countries into our school to meet children and teachers and observe how we teach phonics. This year we had 15 visitors from a variety of countries including Oman, Nigeria, Uganda and Ghana and of course Mr Jolly himself from England.
The visitors were very impressed with the children's behaviour, learning and attainment. They were also pleased to meet some of our Rights Respecting Ambassadors and tell us about the work of Unicef and the rights of the child in their own countries.
Year One sculptor sessions with Darcy Turner
Health & Fitness Week 2019
Rights Respecting
Send My Friend To School
Education is a universal human right. It is the key to a positive future for individual children, whole communities and the wider world. However, due to inequality, millions of children are being locked out of education simply because of who they are and where they live. Access to education and learning is not a level playing field. This needs to change - education should be for everyone. Oakdale Infant School joined the campaign to UNLOCK EDUCATION FOR EVERYONE by creating paper keys.
Send my friend to school.AVI

Unicef Soccer Aid!
On Sunday 16 June, Soccer Aid for Unicef took place at Chelsea’s Stamford Bridge. Over £6.8 million was raised on the night as a star-studded lineup of football legends and celebrities battled it out on the pitch so that more children can grow up happy, healthy and able to play – just like children should.
Oakdale Infant School raised over £200!
Rights Respecting Assembly this week

Some photos of our fantastic footballers!

Science Week 2019
Take a look at some of the exciting activities we got up to this week!
Some photos from our 'Scoot to School' week including 'Sparkle your Scooter'

Reception autumn walk to the wildlife garden at the
Junior School
Science Club - Week 3
This week in science club we looked at states of matter. We know materials can be a solid, liquid or gas but today we made a Non-Newtonian fluid, which is neither a liquid or a solid. It can be picked up like a solid but oozes like a liquid and it changes its shape to suit the container that it is placed in. After we made our slime we investigated all the different ways we could change the shape of it.
Science Club - Week 2
This week in science club we learned about magnets. We investigated which materials and objects are magnetic and which ones are not. We also closely observed what happens when you try to join two magnets together. We found that magnets have a North and South pole. We learned that opposite poles attract and same poles repel.
Dayglow Day - Be Safe, Be Seen

Science Club - Week 1
This week in science club we learned about where rain comes from. We looked at how clouds are formed and how rain is made.
We then investigated this and made our very own rain in a jar!
Year Two walk to Wanstead War Memorial
Remembrance Assembly Friday 9th November 2018

Mrs Linning explained why the image of the poppy is so important and the children marked a two minute silence to remember those lost or injured in war.
Class 2 read us the poem 'On Flanders Field'.
We had a thought provoking Harvest Assembly on Monday with a special visitor - Major Glenda from the Salvation Army

Thank you so much for the Harvest gifts. They will be donated to local homeless charities.
We enjoyed an amazing live performance by Nick Cope - a very talented musician and composer.

RAF 100 Flypast 2018
Health & Fitness week at Oakdale!